What is Medigap Open Enrollment?

When you have the opportunity to enroll in Medigap coverage for the first time there will be an “open enrollment period” for you.  This is a time in which you can enroll in a Medigap (Medicare Supplement Insurance) plan that will supplement your original Medicare policy.  There are a few things that you should know about the Medigap Open Enrollment period that could affect your decisions.

  1. Your Medigap Open Enrollment period will begin the first month that you are covered by Medicare Part B and you are 65 or older.  You need to remember this date and time so you know how long you have to get your enrollment done.
  2. Under Federal law you have this one-time only option for 6 months after you become eligible.  At this time you can buy any Medigap policy that is sold in your state.
  3. During this open enrollment period you will have the opportunity to buy an Medigap policy that you want regardless of any past or present health issues.  This is a great opportunity to get things covered that may not otherwise be covered and you should take full advantage of it.

One Response to What is Medigap Open Enrollment?

  • Sharon Vaipae says:

    What I do not understand is what I have to buy to get Medicare B? I was 70 in March this year, and did not understand that I should have enrolled when I was 65 – I was working fulltime as a teacher and had great health insurance then. My Medicare A and Drug coverage started late last year with the Medicare B scheduled to start July 1, 2011. Do I need to buy some kind of insurance to make B work? If you cannot help me, please tell me what agency I should go to in central Iowa that will help me understand this.
    Thank you,
    Sharon Vaipae

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