What is the Medigap “Free Look” Period?

When you are in the process of switching from one Medigap policy to another there will be a period of time that you have the opportunity to switch back.  This period is not free in the sense that you don’t have to pay for it, but it is free in that you can see which coverage you like better.  It all starts with a little promise that you have to make when you sign up for your new Medigap policy.

On the application for your new policy you will have to promise the company that you will cancel your old Medigap policy.  This promise is one that you will have to keep one way or the other, cancel the old policy or the new one that is.  What may not be stated in this promise is that you have 30 days to decide which Medigap policy that you like the best.

As was stated before, this is not a free look in that you can get insurance coverage for free, but it is free in that you can carry two policies at once.  You will still have to make premium payments on both policies while you are taking your free look.  This may not be worth it to you but is worth it to many people who can’t seem to make the decision as to which policy they like the best.

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